What’s the Worst Case Scenario? Fear of death & serious illness.
When you are anxious about your health, how reconnecting with your values can help.
How to Be More Loving Towards Yourself - Self-Love & Self-Acceptance
Here in this blog are some small ways to help you love yourself.
Hypnotherapy for Social Anxiety - My Top Tips for Feeling More Confident & Assertive
If the thought of being in a social situation is leaving you feeling anxious, then here are some tips on how to manage your fear and feel more confident and assertive.
Hypnotherapy for Quitting Smoking - Why Willpower Alone Is Not Enough
One the most frequently requested issues that I see in my practice is for support with smoking cessation. I want to explore in this post what some of the common misconceptions are around cigarette smoking and why it is so important to choose to quit now.
Hypnotherapy for Insomnia & Sleep Issues
Are you having trouble sleeping? Here is my latest blog about what you can do to get a better night’s sleep.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness has become a popular approach within health and wellness circles but you might be thinking what exactly all the fuss is about. Read more in my latest blog here.
Health Anxiety in a Pandemic - My Top Tips for Managing COVID Anxiety
It is normal to think about your health or the health of those around you during a global pandemic. Especially if we have been close to or even experienced it ourselves. What is less common is if you find that these worries consume you to the point that it affects other parts of your life.
Hypnotherapy & Stress-Management
If you struggle with stress from work or want to know more about the signs or symptoms of stress, learn more about how to manage stress in this blog post.
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Anxiety-Related Issues.
Anxiety can be understood as thoughts, feelings and physical sensations that arise when we are primarily worried, concerned or afraid about the future.
Hypnotherapy is particularly effective for managing anxiety as a therapeutic approach because it focuses on both developing physical relaxation skills as well as the psychological calming of the mind.
Read more about anxiety and hypnotherapy in my blog here.
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy: A Modern Approach to Hypnosis.
You experience thoughts, but you are not your thoughts. Thoughts are simply neurological events that are neutral, they are neither positive nor negative. It is the meaning that you place upon them that gives them their power. When you learn through hypnotherapy that you can create distance between yourself and your thoughts, they start to have less of an effect on you.