Break A Habit for Good: The 3S Method

Do you have an unwanted, unhelpful habit that you REALLY want to stop?

Perhaps you have a cheeky cigarette on the weekend that you regret because it takes you out of the house? Maybe you bite your nails when you are bored and now your nails are looking ragged, torn and painful? 

Or perhaps you worry (or ruminate) after a work meeting and you can’t help but think that this has now become a habit?

Whether it’s skin picking, hair pulling or binge eating, here’s how I help clients to break long-lasting habits. 

I use what I call the 3 S’s method:

SPOT IT - Get curious about when your habits show up. 

What are your triggers? Is it when you are stressed with a work deadline or a big upcoming meeting? Perhaps it’s alcohol and you can’t resist a cigarette once you’ve had a drink?

Notice what thoughts are you having - not just beforehand but also during and after your habit? 

Bringing consciousness and mindfulness into your life will help you to spot your automatic actions earlier so you can…..

STOP IT - Surf the urge or craving.

The urge is the craving, the thought or desire to engage in the habit. Most cravings or urges are simply memories of when you last used the habit to deal with anxiety, stress, boredom or any other unwanted, overwhelming situation.

Know that the craving or urge is transient, is harmless and trust that it will pass. 
When you notice thoughts about your habit, tell yourself ‘STOP’ with conviction and passion. 

Pause, relax and focus on your breath. Take 3 deep belly breaths to start relaxing now.

SWITCH IT - Can you think of something else to meet your needs in that moment?

Change your environment and remove potential triggers for your habit. If it’s smoking whilst you have a coffee outside, then change the routine and avoid having coffee outside whilst you quit.

This is a learning process - I don’t believe in lapses, only opportunities for more self awareness.

Know that you are much, much more than your habits.  You are not defined by your habits and you can UNlearn lifelong habits.  What habit would you love to stop?

If you would like to speak to me about stopping your habit for good, use the button below to send me an enquiry today.

Rachel x


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